Friday 31 May 2013


Hi guys,

Right I hope you are ready...

Here's my two cents - RED BULL OR MONSTER?

Personally I'm a Monster Can fan for show... the can's look is awesome. Red Bull.... not so much. Really not doing it for me... too plain - uninspired for my taste. The taste on the other hand... NOT MUCH DIFFERENCE in it for me... unless you're going to take a look at flavours...  If I have to go for outstanding brand between the two... MONSTER WINS HANDS DOWN. Red Bull feels like its a matured individual's taste (my nicest way of saying a older person's drink) and lets be honest we both know the market is in the youth... Its a statement to be seen with Monster and "second best" to be seen with Red Bull... 

What do you think? Does Red Bull fly over Monster's head?

Thursday 30 May 2013

Introduction to BRANDING GAMES

Right, guys... This here is my first blog ever... So gotta start with the basics, right?

My name is Tania Lottering and my field of growing expertise is marketing. Right, that went quick...

Now we all know... brands out in the world are major players... they roll with the big cash and big clients, but lets throw ourselves in the mix, after all - we pay for their products and/ services too...

So here's my deal, I am going to have brands go head to head - with, of course, no actual violence intended... cause I'd love to know what you think about the the two brands I put against each other. Its about time the customer's perspective be heard... and not in those ridiculously long survey's either... YAY or NAY - and why? If the brand rocks your world, let me know why and if they totally just need to WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE, then that's cool too! If you've got a good experience to share, then rock out... if you're experience of a brand is not so pleasant... WE FEEL YOUR PAIN... We've all been there...

Now for all those Marketing and PR professionals - please not that I am not doing this to bad mouth any brand, but simply to gain customer perspective. This is a chance for the little guy to be heard... Customer's real feelings about who they believe is TOP DOG and why?

So bloggers, let the GAMES BEGIN and brands... ARE YOU READY?

* Now guys, just so you know... if you have any ideas for two brands going head to head... by all means, I'm ears... just remember... make sure its brands we all know...

So, come on now... let the GAMES BEGIN!

Check out my next post for round #1