Friday 31 May 2013


Hi guys,

Right I hope you are ready...

Here's my two cents - RED BULL OR MONSTER?

Personally I'm a Monster Can fan for show... the can's look is awesome. Red Bull.... not so much. Really not doing it for me... too plain - uninspired for my taste. The taste on the other hand... NOT MUCH DIFFERENCE in it for me... unless you're going to take a look at flavours...  If I have to go for outstanding brand between the two... MONSTER WINS HANDS DOWN. Red Bull feels like its a matured individual's taste (my nicest way of saying a older person's drink) and lets be honest we both know the market is in the youth... Its a statement to be seen with Monster and "second best" to be seen with Red Bull... 

What do you think? Does Red Bull fly over Monster's head?

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